Meha has a varied range of engagement skills and activities that ensured young people felt able to take part in art and creative activities comfortably.
This was important when working with LGBTQ+ young people, many of who had faced or continued to face traumatic experiences in their lives as a consequence of LGBTphobia.
Meha has a warm and welcoming persona and approach that enables young people to feel at ease, and increases their curiosity to be involved.
Through Meha’s work young people were able to create art works that were reflective of their lives and experiences and helped to promote conversation and help seeking behaviours amongst young people. This included increasing peer support alongside seeking professional support.
This work is akin to a coaching practice , that is forward looking , and promotes growth and healing. This was important as it assured young people, and ensured they could work towards co-designing solutions to addressing concerns they had now and preparing them for more progressive futures.
Meha’s openness and professionalism supported some of the most vulnerable young to feel safer, able to contribute and develop a space where they felt they belonged.
Sally Carr (MBE), NW Director Street Games, (Former COO, LGYM)